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Suksama Means Thank You!

Recently I’ve been seeing the Bali Blue Kingfisher regularly, they say he is connected to Jupiter and signifies Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity and Peace. I can certainly attest to that being in motion in our daily life!

Yesterday continued pouring many blessings our way… We were so lucky to be taken to a very special doctor/healer. We had to wait many hours as so many people go to see him. I can say with no reservation. It was worth the wait. This man is Balinese and initially trained as a doctor. He then felt called to India where he lived, studied and practiced for years until his teacher told him it was time to return to Bali and work with his people. He is valued for his skills and sponsored by Unicef.As well as being western medicine, Ayurvedic trained and having some great portable technology for scanning the body. He is a gifted energy healer and spiritual teacher. What he perceives in body and spirit is impressive! On his clinic days he sees around 150 people. A miracle in itself!! The joy he exudes is high frequency and infectious. We were honoured to be taken and we both received so many gifts.

Photo taken at the Doctors after a spirit/energy clearing. Notice the incredible energy especially around Delany He had one of his magic energy healers work with us too.Another uber magical piece was his invitation for me to have a private meeting with him before his clinic starts tomorrow… that’s going to be interesting. He saw me healing many many people!

What an amazing adventure this life is! I know I’ve been quiet on the broadcasting front.

It’s been a few months of deep change, massive upgrades and it continues. Stay tuned for part 2 of this particular adventure!! And more! Suksma Sweet People Delany.....

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